Your child can be mightier than measles with routine vaccines!

Protect your child from measles and more with routine vaccines!

How serious is measles?

Measles is not just a rash. It can cause lifelong problems like hearing loss and brain damage, and it puts one in five infected people in the hospital. In the most serious cases, it can lead to respiratory failure and death.

Is measles still a thing?

Measles used to be almost gone from the United States, but it is making a return because fewer people are getting vaccinated. Many countries, including popular international travel destinations, are seeing large measles outbreaks. Already this year in the United States, there have been more than twice as many cases than in all of 2023. There was even a December 2023 case here in Colorado from an international traveler. Getting the MMR vaccine is the best way to stay safe from measles. There’s never been a better time to join the hundreds of thousands of Colorado parents making sure their children are Mightier Than Measles with vaccines.

How easy does measles spread?

Measles is extremely contagious, spreading easily to unvaccinated people. Measles can hang in the air inside for up to two hours and stays on surfaces, too. If one person has it, nine out of 10 people who are unprotected around them will get measles.

Keep your child safe with routine vaccines.

Got questions about vaccines your child needs?

Talk with your health care provider or pharmacist to see what’s best for your child. They can also tell you if you or your child is due for other routine childhood vaccines, like those that protect against polio, whooping cough, flu, and COVID-19.

Important facts for your family about measles

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Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)

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Routine Childhood Vaccines

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